We have categorised our services below or if you’re unsure what you need, you can also search the Trademarkroom website directly.
Our comprehensive trademark search options provide you with peace of mind that your trademark will be accepted, with no hidden costs. We can do this worldwide.
Once we have all the information we need we can file your trade mark within a 24-48 hour window. A fast turnaround is part of our service.
The US market is a lucrative one, but businesses overlook protecting their IP, finding themselves in legal disputes. We can help you with US trade marks.
With Brexit and rules constantly changing, you must think about registering your trade mark in the European Union.
We can still help if you’re looking to register a trade mark in countries outside of the UK, US or EU. We operate our services internationally.
Once your mark has been published there is a period whereby an opposition against your mark can be raised.
All work carried out by the Trademarkroom is overseen by qualified or trainee Solicitors who also work at Lawdit Solicitors, a law firm regulated by the Law Society.